About the Authors

Meet Sally & Ryan

Sally Giancanelli is Nala's and Rocco's and Fritzi's owner who lives in a close-knit neighborhood located in Sacramento, California.  Ryan Tracy lives just a few blocks from Sally and met her by responding to Sally's ad for a dog walker on a neighborhood community website.  Ryan had recently lost the love of his life (a 12 year old Chocolate Lab named Rascal) and quickly recognized he was in desperate need of filling the hole in his heart.

"Dog therapy" was the only course of action that seemed to make any sense to Ryan.  

After all, it's that instinctive gift dogs give to us every day we're blessed enough to have them in our lives - the unconditional love that tells us everything is going to be okay, no matter what we're going through at the time.

It didn't take long for Sally to mention to Ryan her desire to have a book written about her dogs, but Ryan wasn't sure what the story line for the proposed novel would be.  So the idea was shelved for nearly 2 years…

Until one day, the light bulb finally went off in Ryan's head.

"Hey, what about the idea of creating a number of children's books, led by Nala and her best friends by her side, teaching kids some of the most important lessons in life?"

And so, Nala and the Color of Love was born.

And we like to think we've only just begun.  

We currently have 13 more heartwarming book ideas in our treasure chest to share with you. All of them will feature Nala and her closest friends, and all of them will be stories you'll definitely want to share with your precious little buttercups over and over again. 

If you ever want to connect with Sally and Ryan, please drop us a line at info@nalasbooks.com.

We'd love to hear from you and learn the many wonderful ways the extraordinary dogs in your life have helped you treasure the good times and weather the bad.

Thank you for joining us on this wonderful journey,

Sally and Ryan